Noah spent a couple days last week w/ Grandma and Grandpa where he got his first horse. I think he was pretty happy w/ it and seemed to love riding it. I guess it will be quite a while before he is up and riding a real horse. Noah is starting to roll over on his own now, and it shouldn't be long to when he will start crawling. He can really sit up on his own well now, and he is also becoming very vocal. Although we can't understand what he is saying, he seems very happy to just muble away while he is smiling. We have both been very busy lately, but I believe it should slow down here in the next couple weeks and we can get back to normal. I have a lot of new pictures and video of Noah that I will try to get posted as soon as I get a chance to go through them.
We went out to eat last night w/ Papa, Nana, Granny, and Martha. Noah slept thru most of the dinner, but he finally woke up and joined us for the second half. Diane is going to have surgery soon and we met after her doctors appointment. I think Leah said this will be her first surgery of her life, and I think that is pretty impresive. I guess she has just never had time to get ill or hurt. I hope Noah is like her, and he will not need any surgery or hospital visits until we get much older if ever.