Saturday, August 12, 2006

Uncle Perry pays a visit

My brother Perry came to visit last week and was able to meet Noah for the first time. He also brought a little toy airplane that when Noah gets a little older he will be able to ride around the house. Even though Noah is not big enough yet to ride the plane we went on and sat him on it for this picture and he is already a natural pilot.
Dad always likes to beat me in poker when he comes down and this day he did just that. Than Perry sat down to play a couple hands and he almost wiped Dad out in no time. According to Dad if he wins it is skill, but if anyone else does it was all luck. haha
I also wanted to tell everyone that I am doing fine, and if you haven't heard I spent most of Thursday night in the hospital for heart palpitations. I was working that night and just couldn't get them to stop so the guys at work talked me into going to the ER to be checked out. Everything looks fine for now and I am back to work. I have to go next week for some more test and a follow-up at the Dr's office.


Anonymous said...

I like Noah in his new airplane.

Anonymous said...

It was great to see and meet my new nephew. Uncle Perry can't wait till he hears 'Uncle Perry' coming from Noah for the first time.