I caught Leah taking a nap this morning while Noah was wide awake and having a good time. I heard him moving around and when I walked up to the couch he was just smiling away. We spent yesterday just hanging out and watching football on tv. He loves to watch tv and he will just stare at the tv trying to figure out what is going on. I think we are just going to hang out today and watch the little weed grow. I have the camera again so I should be able to update the blog a little more frequently w/ new pictures.
I have found out what the true difference is between breast milk and formula lately. Using breast milk from the start I had no idea that formula would change the smell Noahs after product so much. We have been slowly switching over to formula and while doing this I could use a gas mask to change his diaper. Somedays it is not to bad, but others it will make you really switch into hight gear while you are changing him.
Next time use you vacuum cleaner or take him out on the deck and use the garden hose. You can use your electric leaf blower to dry him off when you finished. Keep a good grip on him. You don't want to blow him out in the yard. You could loose him in the leaves like you did last time. it's a good thing Leah was at work that day.
That's cute with Noah letting Mom take a nap....
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